Mel Taylor


Organizational and Leadership Consultant,
Facilitator, Teacher, Mentor

In working with both individual leaders and organizations, my goal is to co-create a sustainable, transformational process through a systems assessment of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual components.


Executive Coaching

Organizational assessment & cultural transformation

Workshops on intense learning & behavioral change

Leadership training and development partnerships

Making a difference,

A 40 plus year career as a non-profit leader, leadership teacher and developer, and CEO has taught me much about success and failure while working with and for diverse populations. Using experience both as a leader and as a community participant, I incorporate cognitive techniques and theory with practical, experiential adult learning.


If you’re not acknowledging and addressing the voices of fear, judgement and cynicism, you’re not going to be able to identify the barriers that are holding you back from your hopes, goals and dreams, whether they be for yourself or your organization.

Mel Taylor

If You Have Any Questions,
Please Call 713-254-7160